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The Minor
The American Studies minor retains the breadth and flexibility of the major. It gives students an opportunity to complement their major in another discipline with an in-depth, thoughtful study of American society and culture.
Minor Requirements
A minimum of 28 units including the following:
- The Gateway seminar, AMSTUD 160, Perspectives on American Identity
- History and Institutions: at least two courses from item 2 under major requirements
- Literature, Culture and the Arts: at least two courses from item 3 under major requirements
- Race and Ethnicity: at least one course from item 4 under major requirements
Additional electives may be found on the Courses tab on this site and/or the Bulletin under American Studies.
All courses must be taken for a letter grade. No course which counts toward the minor can also count toward a student's major.
Declaring the American Studies Minor
Apply for the Minor through AXESS.
Make an appointment with the Assistant Director of Student Services to develop your study plan.
Download a study plan form here.